sábado, 4 de julio de 2020

Eternal Prometheus!

Hi! I'm writing this quite exhausted after a few hours of crunching to finish my first game fully written in English for a jam, and I'm quite happy with it! It's been a tiresome but interesting process, through which I got to put in practice a few design ideas I had been entertaining for many years. I've also got to learn a bit of Gimp and Scribus in a rush, but perhaps that's the best way to learn those things.

So, without further ado, a brief introduction to the game, copied from its itch.io page:

Where there's divine fire, there are Promethei seeking to steal it for all of us, whatever the time, whatever shape humanity, the gods, and the fire take. Prometheus is an eternal figure, in representation of our ambitions and desire for self-governance. His quest is that of all of us, her actions shape our destiny, his punishment ours too. 
Eternal Prometheus is a story game where one player takes on the quest for godly fire, while all other players channel the Moiras, the sisters that decide and weave everybody's fate, including the gods'. The will test and judge Prometheus' performance by placing obstacles in his way and voting what is he worthy of. Prometheus' vices and virtues will be appraised, and in the end Fate itself will determine the consequences for his defiance.

Here the game, and take a look at its cover too:

I'm quite proud of it. It's not that fancy, but I crafted it (collaged it?) with my own hands and hammer, which feels amazing.

I've experimented removing conflict resolution for this game, so no rolls to check if the character succeeds or fails. Instead of that, conflicts are a medium for the player to showcase his motives and heroic quality to the audience, which then votes on his performance, highlighting virtues and sins. 

If you want to know more, go ahead and buy or claim a community copy for the game, and if you've liked it, drop a comment or review!

Para mis lectores hispanoparlantes, pido disculpas por la esnobeada de postear en inglés y por mi ausencia esta semana en el blog, pero los invito a revisar el juego si se dan maña con el idioma, y sino, mañana mismo ya estoy posteando un microrrelato nuevo para levantar esa depresión de domingo!

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